Thursday, July 30, 2009

Thing #14

Technorati seems like a very interesting site to be familiar with. I liked the video showing all the new features and how easy, user friendly, and time saving the new style is going to be. I will admit that I had never heard of Technorati before today, and if someone had asked me what I thought it was, I would never have guessed right. I can see where this would be very helpful to an avid blogger, as well as someone just starting in the blogging community who has a lot to learn. I like the various ways to search as well. When I searched "school library learning 2.0" in blog posts and blog directories, I had several things to look at. When I searched it in tags, I had no results. The tagging is interesting because while I might tag things one way, someone else might tag the exact information a completely different way. This is great because I don't need to be concerned with what I'm calling something, as long as it makes sense to me. However, it might make it difficult to search tags and get the results you are looking for. I can see the benefit to using tags unique to you, but I can also see the benefit of using predetermined tags or labels as well.

I did add a Technorati widgit - the 5 top news stories. I added this one because I know I never watch the news because I don't like to hear all the bad things happening in the world. This way, I can see the headline and decide to read about it or not. I liked this option, so I decided to give it to others who are viewing my blog.

1 comment:

  1. I didn't have as easy of time with Technorati, after reading your post I'm thinking I need to try some things again...
