Tuesday, July 28, 2009

Thing #13

I really like the idea of a social bookmarking site. This can be incredibly helpful to a librarian simply because we come across so many sites regularly that we want to share with our fellow faculty. If this type of social bookmarking was set up on the campus, or even in the school district, a lot of things would become easier. If a librarian did an inservice explaining the social bookmarking site of choice, and made the teachers not only aware that it was there but also familiar with how to use it, then the librarian could send emails every so often either reminding the teachers to check out the websites listed, or making them aware that new sites were added. The teachers can then access these on their own time when it is convenient for them. As a librarian, I try to keep the teachers up to date on the new and exciting things going on online, but most of this is through email, and there are always going to be those times when emails accidentally get deleted, or never get received. If the teachers know that this resource is available to them, they don't have to wait for an email to tell them to check the site.

This is also an invaluable resource for a team of teachers to use. If all the third grade teachers are using a social bookmarking site and they are all contributing to it for content/grade related information, they all benefit.

I have heard about delicious before, but I had some trouble adding links to my toolbar. I am going to continue to work on this some more, and I am going to also check out the bookmarking tool from Google and explore how that works. Either way, social bookmarking is a great resource for a school to be using.

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